Thank you!
Where do I even begin!? I feel so impossibly blessed that this studio has taken shape so naturally. It’s really a testament to all the wonderful people in my life and this community who have helped me on this journey.
I wanted to thank them publicly for their support and encouragement! After all, life really does take a village.
First and foremost, I wanted to thank Matty for being my constant hero these last few months and my biggest fan for the last four years. I’m so thankful that we figured out that difficult transition and made life here in NH work. I truly think we are where we are meant to be in this moment.
I don’t have a particular order for everyone else, just know that you’re all amazing and the impact you’ve made does not go unnoticed!
Cheryl, my first pottery friend here in Gorham, and her husband, Ted, who has been a wonderful help with constructing some of the amazing custom features in the studio.
Liz, for your enthusiasm and willingness to be the landlord of this crazy idea. Steve, for putting up with this crazy idea and working to hard to get the old restaruant furnishings out of the space.
Deidre for all the energy you’ve poured into the art scene here in Gorham. You’ve really set the stage for something to come alongside your gallery and I’m so excited to be a part of that (and endlessly thankful that you let me host paint-your-own nights in your studio). Keeping my fingers crossed that we can foster this art community and see some amazing things happen here.
Lyn for your constant legal expertise and tolerance of my late-night questions.
Ray for your encouragement and enthusiasm of my art. You’ve always given me an extra boost of confidence!
Walker for being the first person to offer me confidence in my work and all other other wonderful people I’ve worked with on the way including Kicki, for your encouragement even after you found out I was leaving San Diego.
My ceramics crew, David, Tessa, Gabby, Kasey, and more for listening to be babble about creative ideas. Particularly Gabby and David—watching your own search for authentic art and doing what makes sense for you is inspiring!
Terri and Nate, my professors who both pushed me in different ways to pursue my ceramics more thoughtfully.
MK for owning the most pottery outside of my family and your constant sharing of my pottery updates with your community. Many more pieces to come, my friend! I am going to convince you to move down here at some point.
Matt’s family for their enthusiasm about my work (sorry to EVERYONE who got gifted pottery this Christmas if you didn’t want pottery—plot twist, you’ll probably get pottery next year, too, sorry!!!). You guys have been buying my pottery from day one and your emotional and financial support has let me get to this point.
There’s also all the technical folks who made money or red tape make sense. The folks at CEDC, particularly Lise, who have helped me apply for grants that make this initial start-up expense a little more doable. Julia at WREN, for sharing additional opportunities that will support TGR was it continues to grow into its new home. Megan at the Town Hall for answering my 1293 panicked questions about site plans and regulations.
My new neighbors, of course! Alyssa, of Flourish Foliage Co. and Kelly & Matt at The Bear. You guys are making this transition amazing, and I cannot wait to collaborate with you. I’m so excited by the potential hubub at 115 Main.
And to everyone here that has welcomed us to Gorham and made us feel right at home. This is a special place, and I’m so honored by the excitement you all are sharing with me. It hardly feels real that this dream of mine is even possible, let alone coming to be. I don’t want to blink!
I probably forgot a hundred people, but here’s the short list. Thank you all for everything you’ve done (and are doing).
I can’t wait to see you there!